Rice Park Shelter Rental
May 20, 2024Labor Day Pickleball Tournament
$15.00 – $20.00
Start the play at 8:30 a.m. on Monday, September 2nd. There can be up to 18 people who will be playing on 4 courts. Players would need to be at the court by 8 a.m. to warm up and get assigned a court for the tourney. The event should take no more than 3 hours. There will be two winners and two second place players. Also, four people will get their entry fee back for getting 1st and 2nd place. Cost to play will be $15 for Havana residents and $20 for players from other towns. Registration needs to be complete by August 30th. Pay online or at the Chester Center, M-F 9am-3pm.
A round robin is structured form of play:
– The round robin will consist of either six to eight games, each with a different partner and against a different pair of opponents.
– The games are played to 11 points, win by 1 point.
– At times, some courts may finish their games more quickly than others. If the remaining courts are close to finishing, we let the games conclude naturally. However, if the score is low and the game is likely to extend significantly, we will ask that the players go to rally scoring to get the round robin moving again. By this we mean, continue to play the game almost exactly the same as always. Everyone still has their opportunity to serve, return, etc. Score is still called in the same manner. However, every serve of the ball will now result in a point for one of the two participating teams. Whichever team was the last to successfully serve or return the ball prior to a fault, will increase their score by one.
Tournament will be hosted by Kent Ketter, Certified Pickleball Instructor. For questions please call Kent at 309-287-5275.
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